Friday, July 08, 2005

RSS Advertising -

When you have an online business you know
how you're always learning about something
new and then trying to learn how to do it?

Me too.

I saw how articles could be syndicated several
months ago but couldn't figure out how it was
done. Sure, I knew it involved RSS or XML
and even saw how those types of files had to
be written. But I couldn't figure out how to put
it all together.

You can imagine the hours I spent researching
the topic and how many e-books I read, all
with the hope that I would find the answer and
then be able to syndicate my newsletter articles.

Unfortunately, my searching took me nowhere
because while there's a lot written about how
great article syndication is, there's not much
information on how to do it.

Then, by accident, I found the answers I had
been searching for. While reviewing a product
with a title that implied it was going to tell me
how great using RSS feeds were for marketing,
and sell me on the fact that I needed to set
up a blog, I found not only all the information
necessary to do article syndication, but it also
gave me a tool to create the RSS file
automatically and links where I could convert
RSS to Java - free.

Now I have to admit that I haven't read the
entire e-book. I've only read the chapter
on article syndication. But for me, that chapter
made this book priceless because it contained
what I had been looking for and not finding
anywhere else.

So if you're thinking of syndicating your
articles, news, or some other type of
information and are searching for the
way to make it happen, you need this
e-book - "RSS Advertising - A
Complete Guide To Advertising Using
RSS Feeds"

Oops, the title isn't a link but that's not
a mistake. You see, I have resale
rights to this useful piece of information
and I do sell it with a 37.5% discount
off the suggested price - but only to my

So if you're a FriendsWhoCare subscriber,
just send me a note and I'll send you the
link where you can get this RSS e-book

If your not a subscriber please join us at
FriendsWhoCare and then request the link.
You can find a place to subscribe in this week's

If you don't like the newsletter you can
unsubscribe at any time and since we all hate
spam, you won't hear from us again.
Also, we never share subscriber information.

To Your Success,
Susan Carroll

PS Sorry, I don't have a non-subscriber page
for this product but some things I only share
with my friends.

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